Becca's Progress

Friday, February 26, 2016

Motivation is a funny thing

Gah, its so hard to be motivated to eat well! That is really what is hanging me up right now, focusing on losing weight. I could go into all kinds of possible reasons, but lets be honest, probably a better place would be in counseling :P But. Have you heard the saying "if you want something bad enough you will make it happen" or many things along those lines. Yeah, I get stuck on that, so why can't I just lose weight if I really want a baby? I do want to have kids, but losing weight is really hard for me. So does that mean I don't really want kids? You see how hearing that message messes with my head?! So, I am trying to figure all this out, I don't have any profound thoughts and I am just writing therapeutically  more than anything. I want to figure all this out. I feel like I have been trying for 20 years, so it is hard to put it all together. I am waiting for some big "ah-ha" moment where I figure it all out, everything changes, and all my dreams come true. Ha. Keep dreaming Becca...

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

In it Together

Even though things are hard, the bright spot is that I have Cody with me all the time. We are in this together. Before we even knew our IVF didn't work, we have started together to focus on eating better and counting our calories. So far it is working! I have lost about 5 lbs and keep moving the right direction. It helps that I have Cody to help me out and keep me motivated. We are excited for each other's successes and help each other out when we aren't so successful. We use My Fitness Pal, which works great. There are a few things I would change, but not much. Accountability is key to success, and now I have Cody and the numbers looking at me each day, so will keep this up. I heard somewhere that it takes people 7 times of relapsing to finally quit something (smoking, drinking, drugs, etc.). I know I am on about my 50th time of dieting, but that's ok, because each time I learn a little more and try a little harder.  


I wrote this on my personal blog pretty soon after we found out we weren't pregnant. The feelings were so raw and harsh. I still feel that way, some days I am sad, some I am angry, and some I am ok. I think the sting is wearing off a bit though, for which I am very grateful.

It didn't work. Even typing that is hard. I had such hopes that this IVF cycle would work. Cody and I spent time talking about baby names, I got lost browsing baby related pins on pinterest, hoping I would be using the advise/ideas soon. I started some bleeding the Saturday before our Tuesday test, and I just thought "really? now? after all this?" I hoped it might go away, but it didn't, it just got worse. I called my doctor and was told that many women bleed during pregnancy, it is fine. But I know my body pretty well by now, this wasn't fine. 
Even though I "knew" I wasn't pregnant, I still had this tiny sliver of hope that maybe it was just some other issue and I was pregnant. That phone call was so hard. To actually hear that "I'm sorry but your results came back negative" was a knife to the gut. Side note, I feel sorry for the nurses who have to deliver that news every day. 
I took off work and spent the rest of the day crying pretty much. As I was driving by my mum's office, I gave her a call, I needed a mum hug. She came and visited with me, which was really nice. The next day I was just angry. Why didn't it work? Why would God tell me (like, all people in general) to have kids if he won't let me? Why can some people who are terrible parents have kids and I can't? So much sadness and anger, it was a rough day too. I am feeling fine now, still sad of course, but I think the Lord has blessed me with a measure of peace. Not "I'm feeling awesome" but just a general feeling of calm. 
I want to thank everyone who has been so supportive of us through all this. It hasn't been easy and I am so blessed with family and friends who have been so supportive. When I think about the prayers that have been offered in our behalf I am amazed and humbled. 
So thank you everyone, thanks for the meals, the flowers, the prayers, the good vibes, the texts, the plush uterus. All of it. I don't feel I can express enough how much all of it has meant to me. 
We will keep going, keep trying. I guess. I don't understand why and I am not very patient. I guess we will keep trying until we feel we are done trying and take it from there.